iMX6 TinyRex Ultra Updating SPI Bootloader

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iMX6 TinyRex Base Board contains SPI Flash memory which can be used for bootloader storage and act as an alternative to the default SD card firmware location. This guide shows how to flash U-Boot and configure it for SPI memory. An option to update eFuses in an existing module to use SPI memory by default is possible as well.

Recommended HW:

  • PC with USB port
  • Voipac iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit in Ultra configuration
  • USB to Micro-USB cable
  • Ethernet cable

Recommended SW:


Note: In case of booting malfunction, follow USB Booting steps first to load the firmware from PC.

Stop autoboot in serial line terminal. Copy and paste commands separately to download appropriate bootloader file from TFTP server:

setenv ipaddr
setenv serverip
mw.b 0x10800000 0xFF 0x80000
tftp 0x10800000 u-boot-imx6-tinyrexultra-2.3.imx; sf probe 0:0;sf erase
0x0 0x80000;sf write 0x10800000 0x400 0x7fc00

iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-SPI bootloader write.png

The bootloader is written to Base Board SPI Flash after automatic download from the TFTP Server:
iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-SPI bootloader written.png

Reset the board. iMX6 TinyRex Module will start booting from SPI Flash. The bootloader will start to download Image from TFTP server by default:
iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-SPI bootloader loaded.png

To change bootloader environment, stop autoboot:
iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-SPI bootloader loaded stopped.png