iMX6 Rex 5V power supply modifications

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This procedure shows how to modify iMX6 Rex Development Kit to support 5V power supply.

iMX6 Rex Base Board

iMX6 Rex Development Kit-PMIC.jpg Note: It is required that the power management unit ISL6236AIRZ is fitted on position U22

Top side modifications

iMX6 Rex Base Board-5V modification top.jpg

Bottom side modifications

iMX6 Rex Base Board-5V modification bottom.jpg

Important: It is recommended to test the base board without the module first:

  • Set up and double check the input voltage + VIN to 5 Volts.
  • Measure other voltage rails if they are set as described in the schematic
  • The upper green POK LED diode in position D18 should be on (all sources are turned on the iMX6 Rex Base Board)

iMX6 Rex Development Kit-ATX connector.jpg Note: To power the board, ATX connector (position J38) usage is recommended

iMX6 Rex Module

iMX6 Rex Development Kit-PMIC.jpg Note: It is required that the power management unit ISL6236AIRZ is fitted on positions U11 and U13

Bottom side modifications

iMX6 Rex Module-5V modification bottom.jpg