i.MX25 SODIMM PC Flashing images

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This section describes flashing Barebox, Linux kernel and filesystem images.

If module could not start loading Barebox from its memory, recover bootloader by following these steps first.

Preparing for files transfer

Make sure FTFP server is up and running. Download the latest images and store them into the TFTP directory:

A local network without DHCP control is recommended. Define network parameters for this network first:


i.MX25 SODIMM PC-Development Kit-Network settings.png

Erase NAND Flash memory:

erase /dev/nand0

i.MX25 SODIMM PC-Development Kit-Erasing NAND.png

Downloading and flashing images

Load the firmware files:

update barebox tftp vmx25/barebox-2012.09.0-vmx25-vpac4.bin
update kernel tftp vmx25/zImage-2.6.35-vmx25-vpac9.bin
update rootfs tftp vmx25/rootfs-ubifs-bb-1-18-vmx25-vpac0.bins

i.MX25 SODIMM PC-Development Kit-Updating kernel.png

During the NAND storage erasing process the MAC address was deleted as well. It is required to be set up again. The MAC address can be found on the sticker placed on the module (in format 00:0d:15:00:XX:XX).

Reset the board. The module boots with newly downloaded files. The default vmx25 login is root without set password: i.MX25 SODIMM PC-Development Kit-Running Linux.png