iMX93 Industrial Yocto Prerequisites
This Wiki page describes the necessary steps to prepare the host machine for successful compilation of the Yocto BSP release 5.0 (scarthgap) for the iMX93 Industrial Development Kit.
If the host setup has been completed, follow Yocto Image Build Wiki page, which summarizes the process of compiling Yocto images and binaries.
All the source files for this customized Yocto Project, together with the recent changes made, can be inspected and downloaded at the Voipac GitHub repository.
Host machine setup
This image build was tested and verified on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) operating systems.
Follow the standard Ubuntu desktop installation, in case of difficulties head to the Ubuntu installation guide.
Note: It is advisable to install the operating system into the virtual machine as this allows the working environment to be more flexible, adjustable and shareable.
Host packages
After the successful operating system installation, following packages, essential for image building, need to be added to the build machine:
sudo apt install build-essential chrpath cpio debianutils diffstat file gawk gcc git iputils-ping libacl1 liblz4-tool locales python3 python3-git python3-jinja2 python3-pexpect python3-pip python3-subunit socat texinfo unzip wget xz-utils zstd
kas tool install
To ease the usage of Git repositories kas tool needs to be installed. This enables kas config files usage and its advantages.
pip3 install kas
Git identity setup
Git uses a username with connected email address to associate commits with an identity. To set up a Git username and email, following commands (with own credentials) should be used:
git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "Your Email"
At this point the host machine has been successfully setup and ready to start the image building.