iMX6 TinyRex Controlling the Development Kit

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This page guides though the first steps of controlling and operating the development kit. To prepare the working setup connect and plug in cables first.

Controlling the Development Kit over Serial Line

Recommended HW:

Recommended SW:

  • Serial line terminal (PUTTY, Minicom, Ckermit, Hyperterminal, TeraTerm, ...)

Default serial port settings:

  • Speed (baud): 115200
  • Data bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Parity: None
  • Flow control: None

Controlling the development kit using TeraTerm:
iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-TeraTerm.png

Using External Monitor and USB Keyboard

Recommended HW:

  • External monitor with HDMI connector (HDMI to VGA adapter is required for VGA monitor)
  • Voipac iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit
  • HDMI High Speed cable
  • USB keyboard and USB mouse

Controlling the development kit using external monitor and USB keyboard:
iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-HDMI terminal.png

Controlling the Development Kit over Ethernet

Recommended HW:

Recommended SW:

  • Telnet client (Telnet, PUTTY, …)
  • SSH client (SSH,PUTTY, …)
  • FTP client (FTP, Filezilla, BareFTP, …)
  • SFTP client (Filezilla, PUTTY, WinSCP, …)

Important notes:

  • iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit is shipped with empty password. The default login is: "root"
  • The default IP address is dynamic and setup by your DHCP server upon boot.
  • SSH, SFTP services require root password to be set up (“passwd” command)
  • FTP, SFTP are recommended only for data transfers (binary mode is recommended)

Controlling the development kit using PUTTY connected to Serial Line:
iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-PuTTY serial connection.png

Controlling the development kit using PUTTY SSH client:
iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-PuTTY SSH connection.png

Controlling the development kit using WinSCP:
iMX6 TinyRex Development Kit-WinSCP connection.png