iMX6 Rex USB Booting

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These steps guide through loading a bootloader via USB OTG interface. This can be useful during recovery or bootloader update.

Recommended HW:

  • PC with USB port
  • Voipac iMX6 Rex Development Kit
  • USB to Micro-USB cable
  • Soldering station

Recommended SW:

  • MfgTool feature
  • Serial line terminal


Resolder resistors R0 on position R63 to R62 and R67 to R65 on the base board (Near battery holder J32):
iMX6 Rex Development Kit-USB OTG selection.jpg

Short BOOT_MODE jumper JP2 on iMX6 Rex Base Board. Connect PC and USB OTG port with a USB cable and power on the base board:
iMX6 Rex Development Kit-USB OTG jumper.jpg

Open an appropriate BAT file:
iMX6 Rex Development Kit-Boot file selection.png

Execute Manufacturing toolkit at host PC:
iMX6 Rex Development Kit-MfgTool start.png

Press Start button (CPU will boot firmware loaded over USB):
iMX6 Rex Development Kit-MfgTool progress.png

Wait until firmware transfer is finished:
iMX6 Rex Development Kit-MfgTool finished.png

The board boots using the firmware loaded over USB:
iMX6 Rex Development Kit-Serial output.png