i.MX53 SODIMM PC Loading bootloader

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This page shown the steps how to initiate On-Chip Debugging and load bootloader into i.MX53 SODIMM PC - Development kit.

JTAG Debugger and Programmer Installation

  • Connect JTAG Cable to USB port on the computer. JTAG device should be automatically recognized and prepared for usage.
  • Download OpenOCD v0.6.0 software
  • Unzip the files


Running Open On-Chip Debugger

Locate the folder where the software has been unpacked. Run OpenOCD utility in command line (by using Total Commander or Windows Command Prompt):

openocd -f vmx53w.cfg


Debugging session is opened and running:

Connecting to Open On-Chip Debugger session

Using Windows Telnet Client

Click on Start/Run (or press Windows key + R), and open the Telnet session using 4444 port:

telnet localhost 4444

Telnet session is active and ready for use:

Using terminal emulator

To open Telnet service using TeraTerm program, click on File/New Connection, check TCP/IP and type 4444 into TCP port# field. IP adrress to connect to is localhost (

TeraTerm session is active and ready for use:

Establishing serial connection

Open TeraTerm program, click on File/New Connection, check Serial and choose the port which was assigned to the JTAG device:

A successful connection is established only if the following settings are applied (115200, 8n1):

Loading bootloader

In order to disable the default direct boot, H902 jumper (BOOTMODE) must be placed between pins 1 and 2. This enables the serial boot and loading files over Telnet service.

Direct Boot (Boot from E-Fuses) is selected again when BOOTMODE jumper pins 2 and 3 are shortened.

Serial Boot Direct Boot (Boot from E-Fuses)

i.MX25 SODIMM Base Board-Serial boot.jpg

i.MX25 SODIMM Base Board-Serial boot.jpg
Vertical polarization
Horizontal polarization

