i.MX53 SODIMM PC Flashing images

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This section describes flashing Barebox, Linux kernel and filesystem images.

If module does not start loading Barebox from its memory, recover bootloader by following these steps first.

Flashing bootloader

Enable serial boot mode by placing a link between pins 1 and 2 of H902 (BOOTMODE) header:
i.MX25 SODIMM Base Board-Serial boot.jpg

Make sure FTFP server is up and running. Download the latest image and store it into the TFTP directory.

A local network without DHCP server control is recommended. Define network parameters for this network first:



Erase NAND Flash memory:

erase /dev/nand0


Download bootloader image from TFTP server:

tftp tftp folder/barebox.bin /dev/nand0.barebox.bb


Power off the board and disconnect the JTAG cable as it is not needed anymore. Switch the module to the normal boot mode by changing H902 jumper (BOOTMODE) on the base board (pins 2 and 3 together):
i.MX25 SODIMM Base Board-Direct boot.jpg

Power on the board. The module boots from the new Barebox stored in its memory: 600px

Flashing Linux kernel

Download the latest kernel image and store into the TFTP directory.

Before loading the image, set the server address and update the bootloader:

update barebox tftp folder/barebox-2012.09.0-vmx53-vpac2.bin


Restore bootloader environment to the default state and reset the board afterwards:

erase /dev/nand0.bareboxenv


Update Linux image:

update kernel tftp folder/zImage-3.12.13_vmx53_20151129.bin


Flashing filesystem

Download the latest filesystem and store into the TFTP directory.

Update the stored filesystem image:

update rootfs tftp folder/rootfs-ubifs-bb-1-18-vmx53-vpac0.bin


Reset the board and module boots with newly downloaded files. The default vmx53 login is root without set password: 600px